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Panjab University (PU): Chandigarh’s Beacon of Knowledge and World Document Services’ Aid to Its Graduates

Nestled in the heart of Chandigarh, Panjab University (PU) has been an epitome of educational excellence for over a century. This institution has nurtured thought leaders and pioneers across diverse fields. Let’s explore the grandeur of PU and see how World Document Services facilitates its graduates in reaching global heights.

Panjab University: A Legacy of Learning

With its origins dating back to Lahore in 1882, PU has evolved, mirroring the country’s growth. Its green campus, with iconic Gandhi Bhawan at its center, showcases the seamless blend of tradition and modernity. Colleges such as the University Institute of Legal Studies and the University Business School have set benchmarks in legal and management studies respectively.

Panjab University (PU)

World Document Services: Crafting Global Pathways for PU Alumni

As PU scholars look to expand their horizons, World Document Services ensures they’re well-prepared for their international journeys:

  • Transcript Services: Timely, accurate, and compliant with global requirements – making the transition smooth.
  • Online Transcripts: Digital delivery of records ensuring that distance is never a barrier.
  • Marksheet Transcripts and Duplicate Marksheets: Detailed care for every vital document from your academic journey.


Why PU Alumni Choose World Document Services

Our commitment to excellence mirrors PU’s ethos, making us the preferred choice:

  • Unwavering Commitment: Adhering to deadlines with a focus on precision.
  • Holistic Support: From inquiry to delivery, the process is transparent and supportive.
  • Global Reach: Making sure PU’s legacy is recognized globally.



Panjab University, with its blend of culture and academia, has long been a cornerstone of northern India’s education. And as its graduates set out to conquer the world, World Document Services is their trusted companion, ensuring their academic achievements are recognized universally.

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